After ice melts in spring, warming
surface water sinks to mix with
deeper water. At this time of the
year, all water is the same

Sulfur dioxide is a heavy, pungent, colorless gas formed
primarily by the combustion of coal, oil, and diesel fuels.
Elevated levels can impair breathing, lead to other respiratory
symptoms, and at very high levels aggravate heart disease.
People with asthma are most at risk. Sulfur dioxide also
contributes to acid rain, which can damage plants, lakes and

Federal and state laws designed to
clean up sites where past,
improper disposal of hazardous
substances caused soil and ground
water contamination.

Small particles that hang in the
water column and create turbid, or
cloudy conditions.

A substance that causes defective
development in fetuses (birth

During summertime, the middle
layer of lake water. Lying below
the epilimnion, this water rapidly
loses warmth.

Very small particles remaining dispersed in a liquid due to
turbulent mixing that can create turbid or cloudy conditions.
Measured in milligrams per liter (mg/L). <br><br>
1. A measure of the material suspended in wastewater. Total
suspended solids (TSS) cause: a) interference with light
penetration, b) buildup of sediment and c) potential reduction in
aquatic habitat. Solids also carry nutrients that cause algal
blooms and other toxic pollutants that are harmful to fish.