Chemical Glossary

CAS Number: 7440-39-3. A silvery-white metal found in nature.
Barium enters the environment during the mining, refining, and
production of barium compounds, and from the burning of coal and
oil. Barium compounds are used by the oil and gas industries to
make drilling muds. Barium sulfate is sometimes used by doctors
to perform medical tests and to take barium-rays of the stomach.
Chemical formula = Ba. Molecular weight = 137.34 g/mol.

CAS Number: 7758-97-6. A yellow solid that is used to produce
dyes, inks, paints and plastics. Chemical formula = PbCrO4.
Molecular weight = 323.2 g/mol.

Also known as: Light aliphatic solvent naptha. CAS Number:
64742-89-8. A light-colored liquid with a mild, petroleum-like
odor. It is a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons that is used as a
solvent, and in a wide array of industrial and commercial
products, including stains, varnishes, pesticides, and cleaners.

CAS Number: 7789-06-2. A yellow powder that is used in metal
coatings, anti-corrosive paints, pigments, ceramics, and glass.
Chemical formula = SrCrO4. Molecular weight = 203.62 g/mol.

CAS Number: 74-98-6. A colorless, odorless, flammable gas used as
a propellant in aerosol products, as a fuel for cooking (as in
gas grills), and in cigarette lighters. A foul-smelling odorant
is often added when propane is used for fuel purposes. Chemical
formula = C3H8. Molecular weight = 44.1 g/mol.

CAS Number: 109-66-0. A clear, colorless solution with a mild,
gasoline-like odor. It is used in natural gas, lighter fluid,
blowtorch fuels, and aerosol propellants. Chemical formula =
C5H12. Molecular weight = 72.15 g/mol.

CAS Number: 106-97-8. A colorless gas with a gasoline or natural
gas-like odor. It is used in the manufacture of synthetic rubber,
various organic compounds. It is also used as a food additive, as
a solvent, a fuel and a propellant. Chemical formula = C4H10.
Molecular weight = 58.1 g/mol.

CAS Number: 25551-13-7. Any of three isomers of trimethylbenzene,
including: 1,2,3-Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene, and
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene. Chemical formula = C9H12. Molecular
weight = 120.2 g/mol.

CAS Number: 74-90-8. A colorless gas with a faint, bitter,
almond-like odor. It is used in electroplating and metallury, in
the production of other chemicals, and in some cases, fumigation.
Chemical formula = HCN. Molecular weight = 27.03 g/mol.

CAS Number: 107-41-5. A clear liquid with a mild, sweetish odor.
It is a component of industrial coatings and used in the
production of other industrial and consumer products. Chemical
formula = C6H14O2. Molecular weight = 118.2 g/mol.