General Glossary

A geographic area in which levels of a criteria air pollutant meet
the health-based primary standard
(national ambient air quality
standard, or NAAQS) for the
pollutant. An area may have an
acceptable level for one criteria
air pollutant, but may have
unacceptable levels for others.
Thus, an area could be both
attainment and nonattainment at
the same time. Attainment areas
are defined using federal
pollutant limits set by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency.

Wells designed to interrupt the
natural movement of ground water
or to contain the spread of
contaminants on an aquifer.

The stream discharge composed of
ground water drainage and delayed surface drainage.

A unit of measure used to compare
different types of animals. This
measure is calculated by
multiplying the number of animals
by their average weight and
dividing by 1000: AU = (w *
n)/1000 where w is the average
weight of the animals and n is the
number of animals.

Physical and biological factors that adversely affect aquatic organisms.

To gather a gas, liquid or
dissolved substance on a surface.

The clinging of molecules to the
surface of particles; the process
by which activated carbon removes
contaminants from water.

This method involves taking daily measurements of tank
contents and using math calculations that let you compare your
"stick" inventory (what you've measured) to your book inventory
(what your record-keeping indicates you should have). This
method can only be used for ten years after corrosion protection
has been installed on the tank. Once the ten-year time limit has
elapsed, another approved leak-detection method must be used.

Used in reference to wells, abandonment is a process by which a well is filled and sealed from bottom to top