Combustor A facility for controlled burning of municipal solid waste to reduce its volume and weight and, commonly, to produce energy.
Commingled A mixture of any number of recyclable materials, which usually must be separated before they can be recycled
Commissioner's Notice A notice to responsible parties that the MPCA staff intends to recommend that they be issued a Request for Response Action (RFRA).
Compost Decomposed organic material resulting fromthe composting process. Used to enrich or improve the consistency of soil.
Condensation The changing of a gas or vapor to a liquid, as in the formation of water droplets when steam cools
Consent Decree An agreement between MPCA and responsible parties that has been filed with the courts.
Conservation The protection or wise use of natural resources, such as forests, rivers and fuels, to ensure their continuation.
Continuous Emission Monotiring Systems (CEMS) Machines that measure, on a continuous basis, pollutants released by a source. The 1990 Clean Air Act requires continuous emission monitoring systems for certain large sources.