General Glossary

Any organic compound which cannot be classified as a volatile
organic compound, semi-volatile organic compound, pesticide, or
PCB. Examples include benzene, vinyl chloride, and 1,3-butadiene.

Compounds which typically come from mineral or non-biological
sources and do not contain carbon-carbon bonds.

(An analyte grouping for similarly typed pollutants)<br>
A substance intended to prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate any
pest. Pesticide levels in ground water are monitored to ensure
its suitability for use as drinking water.
PCBs, or polychlorinated biphenyls, are a type of industrial
chemical once used in electronic and hydraulic products. They
are classified as a probable human carcinogen. PCBs are no
longer manufactured, but are still found in the environment
because they do not easily break down.

Describes how information for a particular record was gathered,
either through drilling a well, or using a geoprobe.

Physical observations include measurement of attributes such as
specific conductance and pH level.

A semi-volatile organic compound is an organic compound that has
a boiling point higher than water and which may vaporize when
exposed to temperatures above room temperature. Examples of
semi-volatile organic compounds include phenols and polynuclear
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH).

Volatile organics compounds (VOCs) are carbon-containing
chemicals that have high enough vapor pressures under normal
conditions to vaporize into the atmosphere. Common VOCs include
paint thinners, dry cleaning solvents and some constituents of
petroleum fuels.