CAS Number: 108-31-6. A caustic, crystalline, cyclic anhydride
used especially in making resins. Chemical formula = C4H2O3.
Molecular weight = 98.06 g/mol.
Maleic anhydride is used in the formulation of resins. Exposure
to maleic anhydride may occur from accidental releases to the
environment or in workplaces where it is produced or used. Acute
(short-term) inhalation exposure of humans to maleic anhydride
has been observed to cause irritation of the respiratory tract
and eye irritation. Chronic (long-term) exposure to maleic
anhydride has been observed to cause chronic bronchitis,
asthma-like attacks, and upper respiratory tract and eye
irritation in workers. In some people, allergies have developed
so that lower concentrations can no longer be tolerated. Kidney
effects were observed in rats chronically exposed to maleic
anhydride via gavage (experimentally placing the chemical in the
stomach). EPA has not classified maleic anhydride for