River Basin

The river than surrounding land drains to. Minnesota is
characterized by nine major River Basins.<BR>
<LI>UMB = Upper Mississippi
<LI>LMB = Lower Mississippi
<LI>MNB = Minnesota River
<LI>RRB = Red River
<LI>RAB = Rainy River
<LI>LSB = Lake Superior
<LI>CDB = Cedar and Des Moines
<LI>MOB = Missouri
<LI>SCB = St. Croix

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<IMG SRC="http://www.pca.state.mn.us/artwork/water/figure3.gif&quot;
ALT="river basins and ecoregions" ALIGN=BOTTOM BORDER=0>
The MPCA is using the major river basins as a basis for focusing
permitting, monitoring, and other water quality activities. Basin
information documents (BID's) and plans will be developed for
each basin over the next several years. BID's are currently
completed for the Minnesota, Lake Superior and Red River Basins
and underway for several other basins. The ecoregion framework
will be used in conjunction with the basin approach to evaluate
lake condition.</P>