Methyl Ethyl Ketone

CAS Number: 78-93-3. A flammable liquid compound similar to
acetone and used chiefly as a solvent and gasoline additive.
Chemical formula = C4H8O. Molecular weight = 72.10 g/mol.

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Methyl ethyl ketone is used as a solvent. Acute (short-term)
inhalation exposure to methyl ethyl ketone in humans results in
irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat. Limited information is
available on the chronic (long-term) effects of methyl ethyl
ketone in humans. Chronic inhalation studies in animals have
reported slight neurological, liver, kidney, and respiratory
effects. No information is available on the developmental,
reproductive, or carcinogenic effects of methyl ethyl ketone in
humans. Developmental effects, including decreased fetal weight
and fetal malformations, have been reported in mice and rats
exposed to methyl ethyl ketone via inhalation and ingestion. EPA
has classified methyl ethyl ketone as a Group D, not classifiable
as to human carcinogenicity.