
Also known as: Ethylene Dichloride. CAS Number: 75-34-3. A
colorless, toxic liquid compound that is used chiefly as a
solvent. Chemical formula = C2H4Cl2. Molecular weight = 98.97 g/mol.

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1,1-Dichloroethane is primarily used as an intermediate in
chemical synthesis. Acute (short-term) inhalation exposure to
high levels of ethylidene dichloride in humans results in central
nervous system (CNS) depression and a cardiostimulating effect
resulting in cardiac arrhythmias. Studies in animals have
reported effects on the kidney. No information is available on
the chronic (long-term), reproductive, developmental, or
carcinogenic effects of ethylidene dichloride in humans. An oral
animal study reported a significantly positive dose-related trend
in hemangiosarcomas, mammary tumors, liver tumors, and
endometrial stromal polyps. EPA has classified ethylidene
dichloride as a Group C, possible human carcinogen.