CAS Number: 126-99-8. A colorless liquid used especially in
making neoprene by polymerization. Chemical formula = C4H5Cl.
Molecular weight = 88.54 g/mol.
Exposure to chloroprene is primarily occupational. Symptoms
reported from acute (short-term) human exposure to high
concentrations of chloroprene include giddiness, headache,
irritability, dizziness, insomnia, fatigue, respiratory
irritation, cardiac palpitations, chest pains, nausea,
gastrointestinal disorders, dermatitis, temporary hair loss,
conjunctivitis, and corneal necrosis. Symptoms of chronic
(long-term) exposure in workers were fatigue, chest pains,
giddiness, irritability, dermatitis, and hair loss. Chronic
occupational exposure to chloroprene vapor may contribute to
liver function abnormalities, disorders of the cardiovascular
system, and depression of the immune system. A National
Toxicology Program (NTP) study concluded that chloroprene showed
clear evidence of carcinogenic activity in both rats and mice.
EPA has classified chloroprene as a Group D, not classifiable as
to human carcinogenicity. The International Agency for Research
on Cancer (IARC) has classified chloroprene as a Group 2B,
possibly carcinogenic to humans.