Vinyl chloride

CAS Number: 75-01-4. A flammable, gaseous, carcinogenic compound
that is used to make vinyl resins. Chemical formula = C2H3Cl.
Molecular weight = 62.5 g/mol.

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Most vinyl chloride is used to make polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
plastic and vinyl products. Acute (short-term) exposure to high
levels of vinyl chloride in air has resulted in central nervous
system effects (CNS), such as dizziness, drowsiness, and
headaches in humans. Chronic (long-term) exposure to vinyl
chloride through inhalation and oral exposure in humans has
resulted in liver damage. Cancer is a major concern from
exposure to vinyl chloride via inhalation, as vinyl chloride
exposure has been shown to increase the risk of a rare form of
liver cancer in humans. EPA has classified vinyl chloride as a
Group A, human carcinogen.