Methyl Isobutyl Ketone

Also known as: Hexone. CAS Number: 108-10-1. A colorless,
flammable liquid with a faint camphor-like odor. It is used as a
solvent for gums, resins, paints, varnishes, and lacquers, as an
alcohol denaturant, in the extraction of rare metals, and in the
creation of synthetic flavorings. Chemical formula = C6H12O.
Molecular weight = 100.16.

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Methyl isobutyl ketone is used as a solvent for gums, resins,
paints, varnishes, lacquers, and nitrocellulose. Acute
(short-term) exposure to methyl isobutyl ketone may irritate the
eyes and mucous membranes, and cause weakness, headache, nausea,
lightheadedness, vomiting, dizziness, incoordination, narcosis in
humans. Chronic (long-term) occupational exposure to methyl
isobutyl ketone has been observed to cause nausea, headache,
burning in the eyes, weakness, insomnia, intestinal pain, and
slight enlargement of the liver in humans. Lethargy and kidney
and liver effects have been observed in rats and mice chronically
exposed by gavage (experimentally placing the chemical in the
stomach), ingestion, and inhalation. EPA has classified methyl
isobutyl ketone as a Group D, not classifiable as to human