CAS Number: 75-25-2. A heavy liquid, with a chloroform-like odor.
It was used in the past as a solvent and flame retardants, or to
make other chemicals. Now used mainly as a laboratory reagent.
Chemical formula = CHBr3. Molecular weight = 252.73 g/mol.
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Exposure to bromoform may occur from the consumption of
chlorinated drinking water. The acute (short-term) effects from
inhalation or ingestion of high levels of bromoform in humans and
animals consist of nervous system effects such as the slowing
down of brain functions, and injury to the liver and kidney.
Chronic (long-term) animal studies indicate effects on the liver,
kidney, and central nervous system (CNS) from oral exposure to
bromoform. Human data are considered inadequate in providing
evidence of cancer by exposure to bromoform, while animal data
indicate that long-term oral exposure can cause liver and
intestinal tumors. Bromoform has been classified as a Group B2,
probable human carcinogen.