
Also known as: Lindane. CAS Number: 58-89-9. Any of several
isomers of Lindane, gamma-Hexachlorocyclohexane is a
musty-smelling, crystalline solid used as an insecticide,
especially to treat lice and scabies on the skin of animals and
humans. It is the only isomer of Lindane that has insecticide
properties. Chemical formula = C6H6Cl6. Molecular weight = 290.83

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Lindane is used as an insecticide on fruit and vegetable crops.
Exposure to lindane may occur from eating contaminated food or by
breathing air contaminated during formulation or use. Lindane is
quite toxic to humans. The acute (short-term) effects of lindane
through inhalation exposure in humans consist of irritation of
the nose and throat and effects on the blood. Chronic
(long-term) exposure to lindane by inhalation in humans has been
associated with effects on the liver, blood, and nervous,
cardiovascular, and immune systems. Animal studies indicate that
lindane causes reproductive effects, while developmental effects
have not been noted. Oral animal studies have shown lindane to
be a liver carcinogen. EPA has classified lindane as a Group
B2/C, possible human carcinogen.