
Also known as: Vinylidene Chloride. CAS Number: 75-35-4. Used as
an intermediate for organic chemical synthesis. Also used in the
production of polyvinylidene chloride copolymers, which are used
in the production of flexible films for food packaging. These
copolymers are also used extensively in many types of packing
materials, as flame retardant coatings for fiber and carpet
backing and in piping, coating for steel pipes, and adhesive
applications. Chemical formula = C2H2Cl2. Molecular weight =
96.95 g/mol.

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1,1-Dichloroethylene is used as an intermediate in chemical
synthesis and to produce polyvinylidene chloride copolymers. The
primary acute (short-term) effects in humans from vinylidene
chloride exposure are on the central nervous system (CNS),
including CNS depression and symptoms of inebriation,
convulsions, spasms, and unconsciousness at high concentrations.
Low-level, chronic (long-term) inhalation exposure of vinylidene
chloride in humans may effect the liver. Animal studies indicate
that chronic exposure to vinylidene chloride can affect the
liver, kidneys, CNS and lungs. Human data are considered
inadequate in providing evidence of cancer from exposure to
vinylidene chloride. Vinylidene chloride has been classified as
a Group C, possible human carcinogen.