
CAS Number: 7439-96-5. A gray-white metal, resembling iron, but
is harder and very brittle. It is reactive chemically, and
decomposes in cold water slowly. Manganese is used to form many
important alloys. In steel, manganese improves rolling and
forging qualities, strength, toughness, stiffness, wear
resistance, and hardness. Manganese colors glass an amethyst
color, and is responsible for the color of true amethyst.
Chemical formula = Mn. Molecular weight = 54.938 g/mol.

Manganese dioxide is used in the preparation of oxygen and
chlorine, and in drying black paints. Manganese permanganate is a
powerful oxidizing agent and is used in quantitative analysis and
in medicine. Manganese is also widely distributed throughout the
animal kingdom. It is an important trace element and may be
essential for utilization of vitamin B1.

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