Any lake with total phosphorus (TP), chlorophyll-a, or Secchi
transparency data collected between 1970-1998, and stored under
MPCA's agency code 21 MINNL in STORET is included in this
assessment. Lakes were classified into one of two categories for
this data assessment. "M" implies monitored (recent) and
indicates that summer (June through September) data collected
between 1989 and 1998 was available for that lake. "E" implies
evaluated (old). This indicates that data for this lake was
collected between 1970-1988. Non-summer total phosphorus
measurements may also be included in this category.
Overall, approximately 2,245 lakes are included in this
assessment - 1,539 with "monitored" data and 706
with "evaluated"
data. Of the "monitored" lakes 896 (58%) had TP data while for
the "evaluated" lakes 623 (88 %) had TP data.
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