CAS Number: 191-24-2. A polycyclic aromatic compound (PAH) that
is a component of crude oil and a product of combustion.
Chemical formula = C22H12. Molecular weight = 276.34 g/mol.

CAS Number: 207-08-9. A polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)
that results from the incomplete burning of orrganic matter,
especially fossil fuels and tobacco. Chemical formula = C20H12.
Molecular weight = 252.32 g/mol.

CAS Number: 205-99-2. A polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)
formed during the incomplete burning of fossil fuels, garbage
or other organic matter. Chemical formula = C20H12. Molecular
Weight = 252.32 g/mol.

The number of observations (N) represents the individual sample
dates used to calculate the summer-mean.

The standard error of the mean (SE) is calculated as the
standard deviation divided by the square root of the number of

Rod-shaped bacteria usually found in the intestinal tracts of
animals, including humans. Their presence in water indicates
recent contamination by human or animal feces.

These bacteria are obviously not harmful to animals or humans,
but they do indicate that sewage contamination has occurred and
suggests the presence of disease-causing bacteria and viruses
such as E. Coli, salmonella, and cryptosporidium.

Bacteria are a group of microscopic, single-celled organisms.
They may have spherical, rodlike, or spiral shapes. They
inhabit virtually all environments, including soil, water,
organic matter, and the bodies of multicellular animals.

Institutional controls are defined by Minnesota Statute,
Section § 115B.02, subdivision 9a, as legally enforceable
restrictions, conditions, or controls on the use of real
property, ground water, or surface water located at or adjacent
to a facility where response actions are taken that are
reasonably required to assure that the response actions are
protective of public health or welfare or the environment.

The upper-bound additional lifetime cancer risk estimated to
result from continuous exposure to an agent at a concentration
of 1 ìg/m3 in air.

A cancer IHB is a concentration in ambient air, at or below
which a chemical or defined mixture of chemicals is unlikely to
cause an adverse health effect to the general public when
exposure occurs daily throughout a person's lifetime. Cancer
IHBs are based on unit risk values and the judgment that 1
additional chance in 100,000 of getting cancer in a lifetime is
acceptable. For implementation purposes, cancer IHBs are
typically compared to an annual average concentration of a
chemical or defined mixture of chemicals in air.