CAS Number: 108-95-2. A corrosive, poisonous, crystalline, acidic
compound present in coal tar and wood tar. In dilute solution,
it is used as a disinfectant. Chemical formula = C6H5OH.
Molecular weight = 94.1 g/mol.

Also known as: Ethylbenzene. CAS Number: 100-42-5. A fragrant,
liquid, unsaturated hydrocarbon used chiefly in making synthetic
rubber, resins, and plastics and in improving drying oils.
Chemical formula = C8H8. Molecular weight = 104.16 g/mol.

CAS Number: 100-41-4. A liquid hydrocarbon that is usually made
from benzene and ethylene and is used primarily in the
manufacture of styrene. Chemical formula = C8H10. Molecular
weight = 106.16 g/mol.

Also known as: Methylbenzene. CAS Number: 108-88-3. A liquid
aromatic hydrocarbon that resembles benzene but is less volatile,
flammable, and toxic. It is used as a solvent, in organic
synthesis, and as an antiknock agent for gasoline. Chemical
formula = C6H5CH3. Molecular weight = 92.15 g/mol.

CAS Number: 1330-20-7, 95-47-6, 108-38-3, 106-42-3. Any of
three toxic, flammable, oily aromatic hydrocarbons (o-xylene,
m-xylene, p-xylene) that are di-methyl homologues of benzene.
They are usually obtained from petroleum or natural gas
distillates. Chemical formula = C8H10. Molecular weight = 106.16
g/mol for mixed xylene.

CAS Number: 75-01-4. A flammable, gaseous, carcinogenic compound
that is used to make vinyl resins. Chemical formula = C2H3Cl.
Molecular weight = 62.5 g/mol.

CAS Number: 126-99-8. A colorless liquid used especially in
making neoprene by polymerization. Chemical formula = C4H5Cl.
Molecular weight = 88.54 g/mol.

CAS Number: 79-01-6. A nonflammable liquid used especially as a solvent in dry cleaning, and for the removal of grease from metal. Chemical formula = C2HCl3. Molecular weight = 131.40 g/mol.

Also known as: Tetrachloroethylene. CAS Number: 127-18-4. A
colorless, nonflammable liquid used often as a solvent in dry
cleaning and for removal of grease from metals. Chemical formula
= C2Cl4. Molecular weight = 165.83 g/mol.

Also known as: Ethylene dichloride. CAS Number: 107-06-2. A
colorless, toxic liquid compound that is used chiefly as a
solvent. Chemical formula = C2H4Cl2. Molecular weight = 98.96 g/mol.