CAS Number: 87-86-5. A crystalline compound used as a wood
preservative, fungicide and disinfectant. Chemical formula =
C6HCl5O. Molecular weight = 266.35 g/mol.

CAS Number: 1336-36-3. Any of several compounds that are produced
by replacing hydrogen atoms in biphenyl with chlorine. They have
various industrial applications, and are poisonous environmental
pollutants which tend to accumulate in animal tissues. Molecular
weight = 291.98 - 360.86 g/mol.

CAS Number: 91-22-5. A pungent, oily, nitrogenous base obtained
usually by distillation of coal tar or by synthesis from
aniline. It is the parent compound of many alkaloids, drugs,
and dyes. Chemical formula = C9H7N. Molecular weight = 129.15

CAS Number: 132-64-6. A highly toxic chemical compound that is
used in chemical synthesis and as an insecticide. It is a
hazardous pollutant in its chlorinated form. Chemical formula =
C12H8O. Molecular weight = 168.20 g/mol.

CAS Number: 75-15-0. A colorless, flammable, poisonous liquid
used as a solvent for rubber and as an insect fumigant.
Chemical formula = CS2. Molecular weight = 76.14 g/mol.

CAS Number: 7782-50-5. A halogen element that is isolated as a
heavy, greenish-yellow gas of pungent odor. It is used
especially as a bleach, oxidizing agent, and disinfectant in
water purification. Chemical formula = Cl2. Molecular weight =
70.90 g/mol.

CAS Number: 7647-01-0. An aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride
that is a strong corrosive irritating acid. It is normally present
in dilute form in gastric juice, and is widely used in industry
and in the laboratory. Chemical formula = HCl. Molecular weight
= 36.47 g/mol.

Also known as: Hydrofluoric acid. CAS Number: 7664-39-3. An
aqueous solution that is a weak poisonous acid. It resembles
hydrochloric acid chemically but attacks silica and silicates,
and therefore is used often in finishing and etching glass.
Chemical formula = HF. Molecular weight = 20.01 g/mol.

CAS Number: 7446-09-5. A heavy, pungent, toxic gas that is easily
condensed to a colorless liquid. It is used in making sulfuric
acid, in bleaching, as a preservative, as a refrigerant. It is a
major air pollutant especially in industrial areas. Chemical
formula = SO2. Molecular weight = 64.1 g/mol.

CAS Number: 7783-06-4. A flammable, poisonous gas that has an
odor suggestive of rotten eggs. It is found in many mineral
waters and in decaying organic matter. Chemical formula = H2S.
Molecular weight = 34.08 g/mol.