CAS Number: 1912-24-9. A photosynthesis-inhibiting, persistent
herbicide used especially to kill annual weeds and quack grass.
Chemical formula = C8H14ClN5. Molecular weight = 215.72.

CAS Number:100-52-7. A colorless, nontoxic, aromatic liquid found
in essential oils (as in peach kernels) and used in flavoring
and perfumery, in pharmaceuticals, and in synthesis of dyes.
Chemical formula: C6H5CHO. Molecular weight: 106.12 g/mol.

CAS Number: 71-43-2. A colorless, volatile, flammable and toxic
liquid hydrocarbon used in organic synthesis, as a
solvent, and as a motor fuel. Chemical formula = C6H6.
Molecular weight = 78.11 g/mol.

CAS Number: 92-87-5. A crystalline base prepared from
nitrobenzene and used especially in making dyes. Chemical
formula = C12H12N2. Molecular weight = 184.2 g/mol.

CAS Number: 271-89-6. A compound found in coal tar and
polymerized with indene to form thermoplastic resins used
especially in adhesives and printing inks. Chemical formula =
C8H6O. Molecular weight = 118.13 g/mol.

CAS Number: 7439-91-0. A soft, silvery-white metal that rapidly
tarnishes in air and burns easily. It reacts with water to give
off hydrogen gas. Used in optical glass and for flints. Chemical
formula = La. Molecular weight = 138.9055 g/mol.

CAS Number: 7440-05-3. A moldable, silver-white metal used
extensively in industry as an alloy with gold, silver and copper.
Chemical formula = Pd. Molecular weight = 106.40 g/mol.

CAS Number: 7439-98-7. A soft, silvery metal used in steel and
other metal alloys, electrodes, and catalysts. Chemical formula =
Mo. Molecular weight = 95.94 g/mol.

CAS Number: 822-06-0. A colorless liquid with an irritating
odor. It is used as a chemical intermediate in the production of
light-stable, weather-resistant urethane coatings and elastomers.
Chemical Formula - C8H12N2O2. Molecular weight =
168.22 g/mol.

CAS Number: 7440-42-8. A metalloid element used in metallurgy and
in composite structural materials. Chemical symbol = B.
Molecular weight = 10.811 g/mol.